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 What: The Language of Implicit Bias: Microaggressions Webinar

 When: Wednesday, January 8th, 6:00-7:30pm

 Webinar Description: Implicit biases are our unconscious attitudes or stereotypes that impact our understanding, actions, and decisions.  The language or verbal statements of internal implicit biases are known as microaggressions. Microaggressions are embedded in our communication and in our lesson plans in early childhood classrooms.  In this session, participants will learn about microaggressions and how to create an environment without microaggressions impacting child, teacher, and family interactions.

 Presented by: Anni Reinking, Ed. D., SIUE Asst. Professor ECE 


 Cost: Illinois AEYC Members $10/Non-members $15

 Gateways and ISBE Credit is available to those who complete the webinar.

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